Driving on Water
Welcome to installment number one to my summer blog. This summer will be great! - and filled with many adventures and learning.
My first piece of learning was this past weekend. I needed to travel to Long Island to go to several cousins' high school graduations. Instead of traveling through New York City, I decided to take the Cross Sound Ferry. I called and made reservations on the ferry, and drove to New London, Connecticut, on the Thames River. The ferry was absolutely gigantic. In the picture to the left, you can see how huge it is. Believe it or not, I literally drove my car right onto the boat. I learned several things at this point...that ferries can carry a lot of weight (imagine 2 tons per car times a hundred cars, plus people) and that traveling by boat is much more relaxing than fighting traffic in New York City! The picture to the right is the car in front of me getting on the ferry. Notice how the back just opens up and in the car drives.
Once I was on the ferry, things got a little rocky - what with the rough weather, the choppy Long Island Sound, and all the smells of diesel in the bottom of the boat. Needless to say, I immediately went upstairs to have some food, drink my coffee, and relax a bit on the ride to New York. I had an excellent weekend with my family. The return trip was not as relaxing, however. On Sunday, I just showed up, without a reservation, and had to wait for three and a half hours just to get onto the ferry! That taught me a lesson: always take the extra time to make a reservation; in the end it is worth the time spent over the time wasted just waiting around for nothing to happen!