The Saturation Point
I fondly remember the new NES my parents saved and saved and saved so I could play Duck Hunt and Super Mario Brothers. I was so happy and content with the NES console, and then my neighbor got the new Sega-Genesis. Alas, I continued playing my Duck Hunt and Super Mario Brothers, but then arrived Nintendo 64, and Play Station 1, then 2, then 3; Nintendo DS emerged, and Game Boy, and Nintendo Game Cube, Xbox 1, 2 and 3, the Wii, and now finally an incredible Project Natal from Xbox . With every newly-released game system, I hoped my parents or a rich, long-lost relative would purchase the newest game system for me...but not so. I forged on with my NES. Granted, I broke down and bought a Wii last year, but I still have my original Nintendo NES console, and there's something to be said for my perseverance, 20 years later, that every once in a while, I still pick up my NES and play, with my wired controllers (!), trying to perfect level 9-4 on Super Mario Brothers. Since the world ...