10 Ways to Develop #Grit and #Resiliency In Our Students (@sguditus Steve Guditus)
Angela Duckworth appears to have succeeded because she possesses the two characteristics she claims leads to success in the students she has studied: grit and self-control. Her theory suggests an understanding that intelligence is not fixed, but malleable, and that what we do to support our children and expand their potential matters: parents, schools, teachers, mentors and communities. @ruthetam , a freelance writer, interviewed Dr. Duckworth , a former consultant, 7th grade math teacher and neuroscientist, and recent MacArthur Genius Award recipient to get a better idea of what she will study now that she has won this $625,000 unrestricted grant. Dr. Duckworth's previous work has centered on importance of grit - the ability to sustain effort, focus and determination on long-term goals - and its impact on future success of students. Dr. Duckworth's grit test, a simple 22 question test ( for which you can signup - for free - by clicking here ), has been ...