Hello students! I have failed you in my updating of my website, but I'm back on the ball now...I promise! I spent a week in Wisconsin with my parents just after school ended. I got sidelined on the runway Logan Airport because of thunderstorms, but finally got in to General Mitchell Airport, which is Milwaukee's regional airport. It's quite beautiful, and they have pretty neat stores - the Harley Davidson Store, the Wisconsin Cheese Store. It reflects the industry of the area, just like when you go into Logan Airport in Boston, you find stores like Legal Seafood and stores with historical souvenirs, which reflects Boston's industry.
While there, I got to celebrate my Mom's birthday with a surprise party. The rest of the week was spent exploring downtown Milwaukee, where I got to visit the Milwaukee Art Museum, and the Milwaukee Public Museum, which is kind of like our Museum of Science in Boston. It was great to explore the culture of the city a little more. I was able to go for some beautiful runs along the Lake Michigan shoreline, which is designated as a county park, much like the Esplanade in Boston, but the park is much, much wider and longer, stretching for literally miles along the Lake.
I went to a Milwaukee Brewers game, which they won against Houston. Miller Park has an interesting history, built in 2001, it has a retractable roof and an entire museum dedicated to women's baseball league, like the one shown in the Movie A League of Their Own. A grand time in "America's Dairyland!"