EduBloggerCon (R)Eflections
I made my way down to the Boston Park Plaza yesterday for my first EduBloggerCon-East (#ebce09 is the free, one-day precursor to #BLC09). I found some amazing resources, met some great new colleagues, and thought it useful to draw some conclusions to synthesize, find patterns, and make my own meaning. I created a mind map using Mind42.
Best Practices in Textured Literacy - Tom Daccord
- Essentially, Tom suggests that we can no longer focus on traditional student literacy, but we must also consider multi-modal literacy and texts (pictures and text)
- Use backchannel Today's Meet to assess previous student knowledge
- Avoiding multi-modal texts in our schools will leave our students marginalized
- We must add value to traditional and multi-modal writing by making it:
- meaningful
- authentic
- social
- Consider the Student News Action Network
- Tom created the The Great Debate of 2008 ning with his own students
New Media Reaching All Learners - Karen Janowski
- Etherpad is a good place to begin to provide a forum for hesitant learners to speak up
- UDL = Universal Design for Learning
- A good resource to simulate having a disability from PBS
- CAST - multiple resources, lesson plans, etc.
- Text-to-speech
- Great UDL wiki - free resources
- Kurzweil 3000
Scratch from MIT - Liz Davis
- Scratch from MIT (free download)
- ScratchEd Educator Forum
- Scratch Tutorials
- Potential Purposes:
- Making meaning
- Kids need linear thinking
- Following directions
- Learning from mistakes
- Problem-solving
- Teacher-made game that kids use and practice
- Alternative for presentation or as assessment
- Animation
Backchannels - Lisa Thumann
- Think about purpose for teaching, learning and instruction
- Potential uses:
- Record of discussion for current events, news, politics, speeches
- Moderator status as privilege for 2-3 students
- Extra help review sessions (after school, evening, weekends, etc.)
- Weekend institutes for parent instruction (math, etc.)
- More student engagement, especially with hesitant learners or to increase inclusion in classroom
- Edmodo
- Tiny Chat
- Google Talk
- Elluminate for Educators
- Ed Tech Talk
- Backchanneling should be:1.
- able to be moderated
- editable
- clickable
- embeddable
- archivable
Web 2.0 Smackdown
- @TeachAKidd
- video comment
- video camera needed
- type in url
- useful for class website
- give "new" url to viewers
- "Show Options" in Google @joycevalenza
- Search in
- Click "Show Options"
- Last 24 hours
- contextual information filled in
- Wonder Wheel - mind map
- Timeline
- Events by decade
- More text
- Images from the page
- Google Squared
- Side-by-side comparison search by metatag
- one page of a website
- text
- video
- music
- animation
- graphics
- no code necessary
- "graphical" glog
- register up to 200 students with no contact information
- - very wide open; social network
- - private, secure, your students are in one isolated box
- Fireshot (Firefox add-on) @TeacherJim
- Like the old "Print Screen" on PCs
- Useful for teaching how-to for applications
- Free and pay version available
- Annotatable with arrows, lines, numbers
- Always in your toolbar
- No audio
- Socrato! @socrato
- Assemble worksheets
- Print online or download
- Free to use
- Tag clouds
- Search pre-made lessons by standard, subject or grade
- Editable for our own use
- Students may log-in
- Assessment
- Assignment
- Aardvark @alightlearning
- Import twitter, facebook, gchat friends
- Pose question:
- Question is sent to those that have tagged themselves as knowledgeable
- Others respond with answers
- Expand your network/PLN
- The Live Pen by Livescribe @KarenJan
- Write one key word
- Pen will record what is spoken
- Touch pen to word to hear words associated
- Notes can be uploaded, along with associated recording
- Available on eBay, Target, Amazon
- Instructables @EmilyValenza
- Upload explanations
- Pick an experiment and try yourself!
- Or, assess and improve
- ImageChef @LParisi
- Create your own image using words
- Grab image
- Send to social networks
- Get an imbed code
- Searchable gallery
- Free!
- Xtranormal @ lloydcrew
- Text-to-moviemaker
- Create a video
- Enter text
- Enter characters
- Customize
- Add movement, animations, camera angles
- Use for assessment
- Stixy @ kelleyc3
- Virtual post-it note website
- Summer Reading Books
- Fair Use Guidelines
- Repurposing
- YoLink
- Download
- Tell YoLink to search links
- Results will open new toolbar on right with paragraph synopsis
- Key terms highlighted
- Clicking on paragraph will open that webpage
- Social Bookmarking function
- WolframAlpha @ dkuropatwa
- Computational Knowledge Engine
- Power of mathematica in a search engine
- Taking input - reformat equation
- Roots
- Alternate Form
- Roots
- Polynomial discriminant
- Steps to solve equation
- Changes homework
- Punch this equation into WolframAlpha
- Explain why
- Get charts, languages, statistics
- Social Technology and Education Conference @lizbdavis
- August 14th @ Harvard University