
Showing posts from January, 2015

One word for 2015: TRUST #oneword365

Instead of a giant list entitled, "All The Things That Steve Should Do To Improve in 2015," I followed the lead of my wonderful PLN, and chose one word on which to focus: Trust. My 2015 is going to be the year of trust: I will trust myself. I will trust my instinct. (And back it up with facts.) I will trust colleagues to do what's best for our students. I will trust that others have the best of intentions. I will trust that doing what's right for students may not always be easy. Clyde Beatty taming a lion with four legs. To kick it off, I have decided that I will trust that our new core values have importance in our school, that modeling reflective behavior is important, and that it is important as a community (one of our core values) to take the time to reflect on 2014, look ahead to 2015, and select one word to direct our attention for 2015. The lesson that I created for our students is entitled "The Lion Tamer and One Word."  C...